WH40k: Wrath & Glory - Forsaken System Player's Guide



'Imperial Labourers'

'Imperial Labourers'

'The Docks'

'The Docks'

'From Above'

'From Above'

My first collection of work for Cubicle7, for the Warhammer 40k Roleplay: Wrath & Glory release "Forsaken Systems Player's Guide", available for physical preorder and full PDF release now!

With your preorder of the physical book, get the full PDF copy immediately!

Cubicle7 Site: https://www.cubicle7games.com/product/wrath-glory-forsaken-system-players-guide/
DriveThruRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/303930/Wrath--Glory--Forsaken-System-Players-Guide

Such an honor to work on Warhammer 40k, I can't wait to do some more for Cubicle7 in the future!

January 29, 2021